The Ohio Serpent Mound

Measuring in at 1,346ft the Ohio Serpent Mound is the largest snake effigy in the world. Although the site was in use by Native Americans as early at 1200BC, the mound itself is estimated to have been constructed sometime between 320BC and 1070AD.
Although the mound likely served various ceremonial and religious purposes, it also acts as a cosmological calendar. The head of the serpent points towards the point of sunset on the summer solstice. Meanwhile each of the serpents hums align with the two solstice and equinox events. Meaning that this single mound could be used to track all of the important astronomical events of the time.
Equally interesting, the mound also happens to be built roughly in the center of a massive meteor impact crater. Meanwhile multiple native burial mounds set very nearby, adding to the holy significance of this place.
Typically there is an $8 parking fee at the mound, but with COVID the site is basically abandoned, and free to roam. Visiting this site can’t help but fuel your sense of wonder that this massive site was constructed with no tools, and so perfectly aligns with the key events of the cosmos.
Want to Experience this Adventure for Yourself?
3850 OH-73, Peebles, OH 45660