The Russellville Girl

Located at the corner of South Cherry Street and West 9th Street in Russellville Kentucky sets the “Sexton House”.  This former caretaker’s house for the nearby Maple Grove Cemetery is the focus of an urban legend concerning a ghostly girl who learned a deadly lesson about blasphemy.  

According to local legend in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s a spoiled young girl lived in this house with her family.  This young lady was delighted to have scored a date with a very eligible young bachelor and spent a fateful Saturday preparing her hair and attire for the event.  Shortly before the young man was due to arrive a terrible thunderstorm rolled and began dumping a torrent of rain on the town of Russellville.  

Devastated, the young lady fled to a small second-story room to cry over her hair and dress which would undoubtedly be ruined by the weather.  Finally, in a fit of rage she cried out and cursed God for having allowed this sudden storm to ruin her date.  In that moment God showed his displeasure with a bolt of lightning that struck that part of the house and instantly killed her.  

Obviously the family was beyond grief to find their beloved young daughter dead, but they were equally traumatized to find a ghostly image of the girl etched into the glass either by the lightning or perhaps by supernatural forces.  In the coming weeks the family tried many solutions to be rid of this ghostly image.  Some sources say they broke out the glass and replaced, but within a matter of weeks the image had formed on the new glass as well.  After various other attempts the family finally gave up, and simply painted over the affected glass. 

Today that single painted window still hangs on the Sexton house, an eternal reminder of that fateful night.  

Want to Experience This Adventure For Yourself?:

The Sexton House can be found here


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Fuyjia Ramen